Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Alumni Association Program, 20th July, 2013

Mahesh, anchoring the program ...
The Alumni Association of the Department of English, Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University organizes various programs for students who are studying at the Under Graduate and Post Graduate level. One of such programs is organized on the third Saturday of the month in which the guest speakers are invited to talk on the topic of his interest. Thus, on the last Saturday (20 July 2013), we had Dr. Bharatsinh Gohil as our Guest Speaker who is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Life Science, (MKBU). “Human Resources: A Scientific Approach” was the subject on which he delivered a           lecture and made the session more interesting.

Pratiksha is welcoming Bharat Sir with bouquet of flower
which's been prepared by her.

Bharat Sir, discussing about
the difference between Brain and Mind ...

Bharat Sir, interacting with students ...

The way Bharat Sir talked about Brain and Mind and the difference between these two terms made the discussion more interactive. He also asked for students’ opinions and talked about the struggle between Brain and Mind that we face and how we generally choose the possible option that our mind leads us to do. He advised not to set our Mind in a way that we cannot think out of the box. Ultimately, Thinking is the prime portion which governs us so whatever is your action that you perform, it is only your Thinking which leads you to do. His talk on this portion of Thinking and the witty examples that he gave while conducting the session made the atmosphere more exciting. As Shakespeare said, “Nothing is either Good or Bad, Thinking makes it so.” Truly, it is our thought that moves our action towards the result (whatever it will be...). The Department of English (MKBU) will always be grateful to Bharat Sir that he shared fruitful knowledge with students. We are also thankful to Pratiksha, Shubhda, Mahesh, Ashvin, Yashapalsinh, Devendra for their co-operation which made this event successful.

Shubhda, giving Book to Bharat Sir ...

Siddharth, doing Valedictory Portion ...